Action is the Antidote to Despair

systems May 17, 2023
Action is the antidote to despair

Someone I love is going through a tough time at the moment. There's a relationship breakdown, children, finances and mental health issues - all massive things to deal with. And one of the hardest parts is the stress and anxiety that not knowing creates. You can imagine your ideal outcome, but you've got no idea how to get there. So instead, the stress builds - you don't sleep, unhealthy habits creep back in to your life and things start to spiral downwards. 

I talk to my clients about having a goal, working out the steps that will get you there, then creating systems to make sure that it all keeps working. 

That really came home to me this afternoon. My loved one had a session with a counsellor today who talked them through how the system worked; the steps that needed to be taken; what happens if those things aren't done; and how they get to the outcome that they want. 

In my friend's words, "it feels like 100kgs of concrete has been lifted off my shoulders". There might still be a forest in front of them, but there's a path going through that forest now, and they've got a glimpse of what's on the other side.

I see this same thing with my clients. They come to me, completely overwhelmed with their business. There's not enough time in the day. They're stressed about money. They're not spending time with their loved ones, or doing things that bring them joy. 

So we sit down. We work out the goals. We break the goals into steps. We tackle things one step at a time. And we create a pathway and a map to get them to where they want to be. 

That's not to say that it's going to be an easy path. There's hard work ahead, and there will be ups and downs. You might take a wrong turn, or walk more slowly that you thought you would. 

When you're in despair, whether it's about a relationship breakdown, or the success of your business, if you don't do anything, you won't change anything. 

Action is the antidote to despair. Set your goals, break them down into steps, create your roadmap, and start taking action.

And if you need help in lifting that concrete from your shoulders? Get in touch: [email protected]

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