Work with Me

Let's rewrite the story together. I can help you create the business and the life that you want.

Book a 15 Minute Discovery Call

Does this sound familiar?

You don't have it all figured out. Some days you feel like you're barely holding it together.  

You feel like you're failing as a business owner, as a parent, and you're starting to hate the business that was supposed to bring you freedom and purpose.

I get it. I've been there and I know you can get through this. You can become the owner of a thriving, profitable business that allows you to work when you want. You just need someone to show you the way. 

Book a Discovery Call

Who is business coaching for? 

Business coaching is for you - the small business owner who's struggling with how to manage a business and a family. You might need help with your direction; accountability; profitability; systems and processes (or lack of!); efficiency; confidence. 

We will work together to give you clarity on where you're going and how to get there; creating the profit you need in your business; and getting the right people in place, doing the right things. Above all, we'll find ways to create time and money in your business so that you can live the life that you want. 


Stop the rollercoaster of business cashflow.

Start paying yourself a proper salary. 

Start being able to pay your bills when they're due. 

Get a business that supports the lifestyle you want for you and your family. 

We'll get you permanently profitable with a simple, proven system. 


Are you working on your own trying to do everything?

Maybe you've heard about virtual or remote assistants but you don't know where to find them, how to train them, or if you can trust them? 

Perhaps you've even tried working with a remote assistant but it didn't work? Or you've got a team but it feels harder than working by yourself?

You know you can't keep going the way you are. Let me show you the system for working with remote assistants and local team members that will free up your time and grow your business. 


Do you feel like everything in your business is in your head? Are you always repeating yourself, fixing mistakes and trying to hold everything all together? 

Getting systemised in your business helps you provide efficient, consistent service to your customers, and best of all - stops you from being the only one who can do everything in the business. Work with me to learn how to step out of the day to day, get more profitable, and build an asset you can sell. 

3 Steps to Sorted

Get Clear

Together, we'll clarify your direction and your priorities so you can hit your goals

Get a Plan

We'll create your step by step plan so that you can start taking action and improving your situation immediately

Get Unstuck

Enjoy the extra time and money in your business and your life

Book a discovery call


Work with Vanessa Layton

1 Hour Call

Laser focused 60 min session to get you unstuck from where you are now.

Follow up action notes

Recording of session

Coaching with Vanessa Layton

3 Month Package

6 x 60min fortnightly 1:1 calls

Follow up action notes

Recording of sessions

Email support

Business mentor Vanessa Layton

6 Month Package

12 x 60min fortnightly 1:1 calls

Follow up action notes

Recording of sessions

Email support
